Look Who Came To Visit!

It's always good to look back at the year we are leaving - even 2020...in all of it's *glory* - and think about the connections and interactions we've had with other people during that time. (Everything important in life ultimately comes down to people and not stuff, right?) For me, it's interesting to see how this website (which I know is, like me, NOT really a big deal) has managed to connect with thousands of people all over the world. I've had visits from people in 43 different countries this year. Most hits have been from the US, of course - though my Brazilian friends have come in a pretty close 2nd, particularly when it comes to listening to music! I do wonder how many of you EVEN FOUND this site, if you discovered anything of value, if you were encouraged or inspired in some way...all those sorts of questions. Whatever the answer, I'm grateful that you stopped by. You have reminded me that our world really is quite small and deeply interconnected at many levels. I hope that you will come again and pray that you will indeed find something to lift your spirits and perhaps enhance your personal, academic or ministry related music worlds. 

Until then, may you have a blessed New Year and may the peace of our Lord be at work in your heart and life in 2021.~~~Steve Dunn